King Charles II, Part One  33057

  1. The Hopeful Prince
    1. Heaven Was Liberal
    2. ‘I Fear Them Not!’
    3. Present Miseries
    4. Dependence
    5. The King’s Son
  2. Nothing but the Name
    1. A Candle to the Devil
    2. Ravished at Worcester
    3. Heroical Figure
    4. A Difficult Game
    5. The Courtesies and the Injuries
    6. At the Waterside
  3. This Golden Age
    1. Noah’s Dove
    2. The Best of Queens
    3. The Dutch Business
    4. Black Day
    5. This Revolution
    6. A Very Near Alliance
    7. Virtues and Imperfections
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            [0] => "12208"|2020-08-14|£1

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            [0] => 1407215280


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