Lied von meiner Mutter. 8. Psalm  5861

Locations in Harold's Library

    [_edit_last] => Array
            [0] => 1

    [_edit_lock] => Array
            [0] => 1552490291:1

    [inlibrary] => Array
            [0] => "5686"*p79*Gedichte 1913-1926|Lied von meiner Mutter
            [1] => "16879"*p40*Early Poems and Psalms, 1913-1920: Thirteen Psalms|Song about my mother*en|Christopher Middleton*translator|I no longer remember her face as it was before her pains began.*c
            [2] => "16878"*p79*Gedichte 1913-1926|Lied von meiner Mutter
            [3] => "25700"*p58*Part I: Early Poems (Psalms)|Song of my mother. 8th Psalm*en|David Constantine|I no longer remember her face as it was before she had pain. Wearily she brushed her black hair off her forehead which had diminished. I can still see her hand doing it.*c
            [4] => "26325"*p19*Psalmen

    [firstline] => Array
            [0] => Ich erinnere mich ihres Gesichts nicht mehr, wie es war, als sie noch nicht Schmerzen hatte. Sie strich müd die Schwarzen Haare aus der Stirn, die mager war, die Hand dabei sehe ich noch.|c

    [from] => Array
            [0] => "23627"


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