The Tempest  6811

This work contains the following individual pieces:

Locations in Harold's Library

  • The Rattle Bag (book) (excerpt only) with the title "'Be not afeard: the isle is full of noises'"
    • page 73
    • Excerpt: Excerpt from Act 3 Scene 2from "Be not afeard: the isles is full of noises"" to ""Be not afeard: the isles is full of noises"
  • The Tempest (book)
    • Der Sturm (book) with the title "Der Sturm" (de)
      • Credits: August Wilhelm Schlegel (translator)
    • The Tempest (book)
      • William Shakespeare: Komedie (book) with the title "Burza" (pl)
        • page 497
        • Credits: Maciej Słomczyński (translator)
      • William Shakespeare: Komedie (book) with the title "Burza" (pl)
        • page 1297
        • Credits: Stanisław Barańczak (translator)
      • The Tempest (book)

        Holdings which refer to this drama

        1. Two Magian Comedies: The Tempest and The Alchemist (essay)
        2. The Tempest: Language and Society (essay)
        3. Shakespeare’s Caliban (book)
        4. Jung and Shakespeare (book)
        5. Prospero’s Staff (chapter)
        6. The Shakespearian Superman: a study of The Tempest (essay)
        7. The Tempest, ‘All torment, trouble, wonder and amazement’: a Kleinian reading (chapter)
        8. Shakespeare’s Tempest (essay)
        9. 400 Years of Tempests (essay)
        10. The Many Lives of Duke Prosper (essay)
        11. Storms and Tempests (essay)
        12. Shakespeare: The Poet and His Plays (book) • Covered in chapter "Romantic Plays, Mainly of the Mediterranean"
        13. Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human (book) • in chapter 9 "The Late Romances"
        14. Plays and Players: November 1967 (periodical) • Photo and review, "The Crunch", by David Benedictus of 1967 National Youth Theatre production
        15. 100 Shakespeare Films (book) • p246 • synopsis, plus 6 fims from 1908 to 1998
        16. Shakespeare: Staging the World (book) • p230 • Chapter 9: 'O brave new world that has such people in't'
        17. Players of Shakespeare 1 (book) • p167 • David Suchet as Caliban (Clifford Williams, RSC, 1978)
        18. Shakespeare in Perspective (Volume 1) (book) • p164 • Commentaries by Laurens van der Post and Michael Hordern
        19. The Open Circle (book) • p182 • Chapter 7: Return: The Tempest and Impressions du Pelléas
        20. The Fabled Coast (book) • p23 • The wreck of the Sea Venture in Bermuda as a source for Shakespeare's play
        21. Shakespeare’s Language (book) • p284
        22. Shakespeare’s Last Plays (lecture)

        Other works with this as their source

        Images of this drama

        1. The Tempest 1947 Lodz. Schiller’s interpolated prologue. (image)
        2. The Tempest 1947 Lodz. The cutout drop in front of a bi-level stage. (image)
        3. The Tempest 1951 Stratford. Surreal excess. (image)
        4. The Tempest 1974 Berlin. Ariel on a flying rock. (image)
        5. The Tempest 1974 Berlin. Proletarian Ferdinand tortured by Ariel’s music. (image)
        6. The Tempest 1978 Milan. Baroque stage techniques used ironically. (image)
        7. The Tempest 1978 Milan. Strehler’s opening scene, the ship a projection against billowing cloth. (image)
        8. The Tempest 1978 Milan. Ariel flies above Prospero, designed by Luciano Damiani. (image)
        9. The Tempest 1981 Minneapolis. The wedding masque in Ciulei’s remodeled Guthrie Theatre. (image)
        10. The Tempest 1987 Tokyo. Ninagawa’s masque set in a noh stage. (image)
        11. The Tempest 1987 Tokyo. Ninagawa’s Noh version. (image)
        12. The Tempest 1987 Tokyo. The opening scene in quilted waves. (image)
        13. The Tempest 1989 Vienna. A crocodile in Claus Peymann’s vision of the island. (image)
        14. The Tempest 1990 Paris. Brook’s intercultural scenography. (image)
        15. The Tempest 2000 London. Caliban in front of contemporary groundlings at the new Globe. (image)
        16. The Tempest 1990 Paris. Intercultural wedding masque. (image)
        17. Miranda (image)
            [_edit_last] => Array
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            [bibliography] => Array
                    [0] => "7209"|Covered in chapter "Romantic Plays, Mainly of the Mediterranean"
                    [1] => "7510"|in chapter 9 "The Late Romances"
                    [2] => "14525"|Photo and review, "The Crunch", by David Benedictus of 1967 National Youth Theatre production
                    [3] => "19702"*p246|synopsis, plus 6 fims from 1908 to 1998
                    [4] => "19848"*p230|Chapter 9: 'O brave new world that has such people in't'
                    [5] => "28541"*p167|David Suchet as Caliban (Clifford Williams, RSC, 1978)
                    [6] => "28591"*p164|Commentaries by Laurens van der Post and Michael Hordern
            [inlibrary] => Array
                    [0] => "13461"*p73**x%Excerpt from Act 3 Scene 2%"Be not afeard: the isles is full of noises"%"I cried to dream again."|'Be not afeard: the isle is full of noises'
                    [1] => "19125"
                    [2] => "19126"|Der Sturm*de|August Wilhelm Schlegel*translator
                    [3] => "28372"
                    [4] => "30270"*p497|Burza*pl|Maciej Słomczyński*translator
                    [5] => "30272"*p1297|Burza*pl|Stanisław Barańczak*translator
                    [6] => "31729"

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