Six Not-So-Easy Pieces  8705

  • Publisher’s Note
  • Introduction   Roger Penrose
  • Special Preface
  • Feynman’s Preface
  1. Vectors

    1. Symmetry in physics
    2. Translations
    3. Rotations
    4. Vectors
    5. Vector algebra
    6. Newton’s laws in vector notation
    7. Scalar product of vectors


  2. Symmetry in Physical Laws

    1. Symmetry operations
    2. Symmetry in space and time
    3. Symmetry and conservation laws
    4. Mirror reflections
    5. Polar and axial vectors
    6. Which hand is right?
    7. Parity is not conserved!
    8. Antimatter
    9. Broken symmetries


  3. The Special Theory of Relativity

    1. The principle of relativity
    2. The Lorentz transformation
    3. The Michelson-Morley experiment
    4. Transformation of time
    5. The Lorentz contraction
    6. Simultaneity
    7. Four-vectors
    8. Relativistic dynamics
    9. Equivalence of mass and energy


  4. Relativistic Energy and Momentum

    1. Relativity and the philosophers
    2. The twin paradox
    3. Transformation of velocities
    4. Relativistic mass
    5. Relativistic energy


  5. Space-Time

    1. The geometry of space-time
    2. Space-time intervals
    3. Past, present and future
    4. More about four-vectors
    5. Four-vector algebra


  6. Curved Space

    1. Curved space with two dimensions
    2. Curvature in three-dimensional space
    3. Our space is curved
    4. Geometry in space-time
    5. Gravity and the principle of equivalence
    6. The speed of clocks in a gravitational field
    7. The curvature of space-time
    8. Motion in curved space-time
    9. Einstein’s theory of gravitation


  • About Richard Feynman
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