The Last Man  17445

Locations in Harold's Library

  • London: A Literary Anthology (book) (excerpt only)
    • page 176
    • in "Visions of the Apocalypse"
    • Excerptfrom "The plague was in London! Fools that we were not long ago to have foreseen this."" to ""The plague was in London! Fools that we were not long ago to have foreseen this."
    [_edit_last] => Array
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            [0] => "17354"*p176*Visions of the Apocalypse*x%%"The plague was in London! Fools that we were not long ago to have foreseen this."%"there was a ghast and frightened stare in the persons I met, very different from the usual business-like demeanour of the Londoners."


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