A Journal of the Plague Year  17427

Locations in Harold's Library

  • London: A Literary Anthology (book) (excerpt only)
    • page 151
    • in "Survival Through Plague and Fire"
    • Excerptfrom "It was under this John Hayward's care, and within his bounds, that the story of the piper ... happened"" to ""It was under this John Hayward's care, and within his bounds, that the story of the piper ... happened"
  • London: A Literary Anthology (book) (excerpt only)
    • page 151
    • in "Survival Through Plague and Fire"
    • Excerptfrom "John Hayward ... was at that time under-Sexton of the Parish of St Stephen"" to ""John Hayward ... was at that time under-Sexton of the Parish of St Stephen"
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    [inlibrary] => Array
            [0] => "17354"*p151*Survival Through Plague and Fire*x%%"John Hayward ... was at that time under-Sexton of the Parish of St Stephen"%"... and was sexton of the parish to the time of his death ..."
            [1] => "17354"*p151*Survival Through Plague and Fire*x%%"It was under this John Hayward's care, and within his bounds, that the story of the piper ... happened"%"but that he was a poor piper, and that he was carried away as above I am fully satisfied of the truth of."


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