Shakespeare’s Sonnets  7216

This work contains the following individual pieces:

Locations in Harold's Library

Holdings which refer to this poem

  1. Why Does it End Well? Helena, Bertram, and The Sonnets (essay)
  2. The Scandal of Shakespeare’s Sonnets (essay)
  3. Shakespeare’s Venus and Adonis Sonnets (essay)
  4. William Hervey and Shakespeare’s Sonnets (essay)
  5. Shakespeare’s Sonnets and the Elizabethan Sonneteers (essay)
  6. Twentieth-century studies in Shakespeare’s Songs, Sonnets and Poems: II. The Sonnets (essay)
  7. The Mutual Flame (book)
  8. The Sonnets (essay)
  9. William Houghton, William Haugton, The Shrew, and the Sonnets (essay)
  10. Shakespeare’s Sonnets (book)
  11. Shakespeare: The Poet and His Plays (book) • Covered in chapter "A Poetic Interlude"
  12. Love’s Confined Doom (essay) • Links between the sonnets and the plays
    [_edit_last] => Array
            [0] => 1

    [_edit_lock] => Array
            [0] => 1564254806:1

    [bibliography] => Array
            [0] => "7209"|Covered in chapter "A Poetic Interlude"

    [inlibrary] => Array
            [0] => "19200"
            [1] => "28377"


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