Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder  8688

Eine Chronik aus dem Dreißigjährigen Krieg

Mother Courage*en

Locations in Harold's Library

Holdings which refer to this drama

  1. Brecht on Theatre (book) • 40: From the Mother Courage Model
  2. Kenneth Tynan: Theatre Writings (book) • review of Joan Littlewood's 1955 production, and of 1956 Berliner Ensemble tour to the Palace Theatre
  3. Brecht: Collected Plays 5 (book) • pxxvii • Introduction to the play
  4. Mother Courage and Her Children (chapter)
  5. Mother Courage’s journey (map)
  6. Materialien zu Brechts Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder (book)
  7. Plays and Players: June 1965 (periodical) • p15 • 'When Accuracy is Appalling': William Gaskill talks to Frank Cox about his production of Mother Courage at the Old VIc
  8. Bertolt Brecht (book) • p91 • Chapter 6

Images of this drama

  1. Mother Courage: the opening scene, in Brecht and Engel’s 1949 production, with Helene Weigel as Courage (image)
  2. Scene 9 from the Wuppertal production of Mother Courage, as based on Brecht’s model (image)
    [_edit_last] => Array
            [0] => 1

    [_edit_lock] => Array
            [0] => 1564932883:1

    [bibliography] => Array
            [0] => "8685"|40: From the Mother Courage Model
            [1] => "7290"|review of Joan Littlewood's 1955 production, and of 1956 Berliner Ensemble tour to the Palace Theatre
            [2] => "24875"*pxxvii|Introduction to the play
            [3] => "24938"
            [4] => "24951"
            [5] => "25968"
            [6] => "29737"*p15|'When Accuracy is Appalling': William Gaskill talks to Frank Cox about his production of Mother Courage at the Old VIc

    [inlibrary] => Array
            [0] => "9377"*p541
            [1] => "24875"*p107|Mother Courage and Her Children: A Chronicle of the Thirty Years War*en|John Willett*translator
            [2] => "24885"*p1347
            [3] => "24899"|Mother Courage and her Children*en|Tony Kushner*translator
            [4] => "24900"|Mother Courage and her Children*en|Eric Bentley*translator
            [5] => "24901"|Mother Courage and her Children*en|David Hare*version
            [6] => "24950"|Mother Courage and Her Children*en|John Willett*translator|with extensive notes by Hugh Rorrison

    [aka] => Array
            [0] => Mother Courage*en

    [subtitle] => Array
            [0] => Eine Chronik aus dem Dreißigjährigen Krieg


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