Shakespeare’s Sonnets

Preface Part I The Early Publication of the Sonnets The History and Emergence of the Sonnet as a Literary Form The Sonnets in Relation to Shakespeare’s Life The Form of Shakespeare’s Sonnets The Artistry of Shakespeare’s Sonnets Concerns of the Sonnets The Sonnets as Theatre The Place of ‘A Lover’s Complaint’ Part II The Later …

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Station X

The Arrival Astrologers and Academics The Battle to Break Enigma The First Break The Battle of Britain The First Battle of the Atlantic ‘Action This Day’ The North African Campaign The Shark Blackout The Americans Fish and Colossus Double Cross and D-Day The Invasion of Europe The Burma Road The End of Station X

Poetry: The Basics

Because there is language there is poetry Deliberate space Tones of voice The verse line: measures ‘Free verse’ Rhyme Stanza Image – imagination – inspiration