An Attempt at Jealousy  26912

Locations in Harold's Library

  • Scanning the Century (book) with the title "An Attempt at Jealousy" (en)
    • page 310
    • in "Time Was Away: Love & Sex"
    • Credits: Elaine Feinstein (translator)
    • First line: How is your life with the other one, ©
    [_edit_lock] => Array
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    [inlibrary] => Array
            [0] => "22034"*p310*Time Was Away: Love & Sex|An Attempt at Jealousy*en|Elaine Feinstein*translator|How is your life with the other one, / %simpler, isn't it? One    stroke of the oar / then a long coastline, and soon / %even the memory of me*c


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