Turandot  9481

This work contains the following individual pieces:

Holdings which refer to this drama

  1. Turandot (Royal Opera House, 2006) (programme)
  2. Synopsis of Turandot (essay)
  3. Turandot through a Modern Mind (essay)
  4. Turandot and her Sisters (essay)
  5. Turandot, the Crowd and the Gamble (essay)
  6. Turandot and the Riddle of the Sphinx (essay)
  7. An Appropriate Ending? (essay)
  8. Turandot comes to Covent Garden (essay)
  9. The Birth of an Opera (book) • p351
  10. … und Figaro läßt sich scheiden (book) • p198 • III. Werkanalysen: Der Rätsel der Turandot
  11. The Complete Operas of Puccini (book) • p241
  12. More Stories of Famous Operas (book) • p3
  13. Mein Opernführer (book) • p170

Images of this drama

  1. Amy Shuard at Turandot, Covent Garden, 1958 (image)
  2. Turandot at Covent Garden, 1947 (image)
  3. The premiere of Turandot at Covent Garden, 1927 (image)
  4. A scene from the premiere of Turandot, La Scala, Milan, 1926 (image)
  5. Eva Turner making her debut as the Princess Turandot, Brescia, 1927 (image)
  6. Act I of Turandot, Covent Garden, 1984 (image)
  7. Act III of Turandot in Los Angeles, 1984 (image)
  8. The cover of the first vocal score of Turandot (image)
  9. Act II of Turandot at Covent Garden (image)
  10. Act II of Turandot at Covent Garden (image)
  11. Gwyneth Jones as the Princess Turandot, Royal Opera, 1984 (image)
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            [8] => "32712"*p198*III. Werkanalysen: Der Rätsel der Turandot
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            [11] => "33496"*p170

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