Sunday In The Park With George  3567

This work contains the following individual pieces:

Locations in Harold's Library

Holdings which refer to this drama

  1. Sondheim on Music: Minor details and major decisions (book)
  2. Sondheim’s 80th Birthday Celebration (tv) • 00:59:10
  3. Sondheim’s 80th Birthday Celebration (tv) • 01:03:40
  4. Enchanted Evenings (book) • p274 • Chapter 13: Happily Ever After West Side Story with Sondheim – Three Songs
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            [1] => "21096"*00:59:10|||Interval feature. Brief footage of Sondheim w/ Philip Quast and Maria Friedman in rehearsal at the NT in 1990. Maria Friedman: today's Shakespeare in terms of musical writing. Eternal subject matters, full of humanity and questions, clever and funny, moving and frightening, theatrical.
            [2] => "21096"*01:03:40|||Interval feature. 01:03:40 Sondheim (1980 interview) "I do believe that content dictates form and content dictates tone ... And what Hal and I like to do is take that story and nothing in that area, and then tell a story over here, and find ways of doing, and that's exciting." Daniel Evans: It's a show about speaking from the heart and doing art in a way that's meaningful for you and not worrying about external influences. Derham: How do you go about that as a performer? Evans: It's a nightmare, it's big, seven songs that are difficult to learn. But once you've learnt them they feel very easy and you can't understand why it was so hard.
            [3] => "32754"*p274*Chapter 13: Happily Ever After West Side Story with Sondheim – Three Songs

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