W. A. Mozart  33545

  1. Childhood
  2. Travels of the child prodigy
  3. Works from the Grand Tour
  4. Studies in Salzburg
  5. First operas in Vienna
  6. Gesellschaftsmusik and church music in Salzburg, 1769
  7. First Italian journey
  8. Second and third Italian journeys
  9. Opera seria
  10. Early operas and the oratorio La Betulia liberata
  11. Church and instrumental works, 1769-1773
  12. On the way to La finta giardiniera
  13. Opera buffa
  14. La finta giardiniera
  15. Mozart in Salzburg, 1775-1777
  16. Munich and Augsburg
  17. Mannheim
  18. Arrival in Paris: Tragédie lyrqiue
  19. Opéra comique
  20. The music dramas of Gluck
  21. Mozart in Paris
  22. Homecoming
  23. Service at the Salzburg court
  24. Sacred and instrumental works, 1779-1781
  25. König Thamos and Zaide
  26. Idomeneo
  27. First steps in Vienna
  28. German Singspiel
  29. Die Entführung aus dem Serail
  30. Engagement and marriage
  31. Mozart’s personality
  32. Relations with Constanze, friends and colleagues, 1782-1786
  33. Mozart and Freemasonry
  34. In the service of the aristocracy and society
  35. Plans for new operas
  36. Mozart’s artistic creativity
  37. Profound changes in style: the influence of J. S. Bach, G. F. Handel and C. P. E. Bach
  38. Chamber and orchestral works between Die Entführung and Figaro
  39. The great keyboard concertos
  40. Choral works, lieder and arias
  41. Operatic fragments between Die Entführung and Figaro
  42. Le nozze di Figaro
  43. Between Figaro and Don Giovanni
  44. Mozart in Prague
  45. Don Giovanni
  46. The period of the three great symphonies
  47. Visit to north Germany
  48. Così fan tutte
  49. Increasing hardship and work
  50. Instrumental and vocal works of the final two years
  51. La clemenza di Tito
  52. Die Zauberflöte
  53. Illness and death
  54. The Requiem
  55. Beyond the grave


  1. Marianne Mozart   Otto Jahn
  2. Transcriptions of Mozart’s church music   Otto Jahn
  3. Mozart’s cousin   Otto Jahn
  4. Mozart as a comic poet   Otto Jahn
  5. On the genesis of Idomeneo   Hermann Abert

Topics covered by this book

  1. Thamos, König in Ägypten (music) • p578 • Chapter 25
  2. Zaide (drama) • p25 • Chapter 25
  3. Requiem, KV 626 (music) • p1313 • Chapter 54
  4. Idomeneo (drama) • p593 • Chapter 26
  5. Idomeneo (drama) • p1376 • Appendix V: On the genesis of Idomeneo
  6. La clemenza di Tito (drama) • p1230 • Chapter 51
  7. La finta giardiniera (drama) • p327 • Chapter 14
  8. Die Entführung aus dem Serail (drama) • p658 • Chapter 29
  9. Così fan tutte (drama) • p1164 • Chapter 48
  10. Le nozze di Figaro (drama) • p924 • Chapter 42
  11. Die Zauberflöte (drama) • p1245 • Chapter 52
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