The Penguin History of the Second World War  33301

Total War|1972 title

  • List of Maps
  • Foreword to the Second Edition

The Western Hemisphere

  • Introduction to the Second Edition
  1. The Sources of War in Europe
    1. The Background
      • Hitler
      • Germany
      • Europe
    2. From Versailles to the Soldiers’ Oath: 1919-34
    3. The Futile Opposition: 1934-8
    4. Munich … Prague … Warsaw
  2. Hitler’s Wars: 1939-41
    1. From Poland to the North Cape
    2. The Fall of France
    3. The Battle of Britain
    4. The Mediterranean, North Africa and the Middle East
    5. Barbarossa
    6. War with America
  3. Europe Under the Nazis
    1. The New Order
    2. Exploitation
    3. Resistance
    4. Revolution in the South-East
    5. France
  4. The Middle Game
    1. The Muster against the Axis
    2. The Clearing of North Africa
    3. The End of Fascism
    4. Hitler’s German Enemies
    5. Great Britain at War
  5. The Defeat of Germany: 1942-5
    1. The Battle of the Seas
    2. The Victory of the USSR
    3. Mass Bombing
    4. The Western Fronts
    5. Disintegration
  • Epilogue

The Greater East Asia and Pacific Conflict

  1. Asian Conflict
    1. China and Japan
    2. Japan in International Affairs
    3. The Japan Which Struck
    4. The China Which Was Struck At
    5. Naval Conflicts by Methods Short of War
    6. The Great Manchurian Adventure
    7. China: Internal Revolutions and Foreign Policy
    8. Japan: Internal Revolutions and Foreign Policy
    9. The War Resumed: The Outbreak of the China Incident
    10. International Alarums: Japan and Appeasement
    11. India and the Conflict
    12. The Magnetic North
  2. Ocean Clash
    1. The War Changes its Character
    2. The Negotiation preceding War
    3. The Bombardment of Pearl Harbor
    4. The War after Pearl Harbor
  3. The High Tide of War
    1. Japan’s Hundred Days
      • Hong Kong
      • The Philippines
      • Malaya
      • Borneo
      • Burma
      • The Netherlands East Indies
    2. The Storm in India
    3. Four Loose Threads
      • Jimmy Doolittle’s Air Raid and its Aftermath
      • Indian Ocean Excursions Limited
      • The Coral Sea
      • The Battle of Midway
    4. MacArthur and Nimitz in the Pacific
  4. The Defeat of Japan
    1. Mid-1943
    2. Two Indian Armies
    3. China 1942-3
    4. Twilight
    5. The End
  • Epilogue
  • Chronological Skeleton
  • Bibliographies
  • Maps
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