The Faber Book of War Poetry  8642


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Topics covered by this book

  1. The Rival Queens; or, The Death of Alexander the Great (drama) • excerpt from IV,ii from Lysimachus "Nay, Cletus, you that cou'd advise –" included in section "Whims and Fates of the Conquerors"
  2. The Dynasts, Part II (drama) • Section from VI,ii between Masséna, Foy and Loison with French officers in front of Wellington's ramparts (beginning "Something stands here to peril our advance, / Or even prevent it!" excerpted in section entitled "Fortifications"
  3. The Dynasts, Part I (drama) • Section from III,iii spoken by Decrès to Napoleon ("A certain sort of bravery / Some people have - to wit, this same Lord Nelson") excerpted in section entitled "Gallantry and Heroism"
  4. The Dynasts, Part I (drama) • Section from V,iv between Nelson and Hardy from "What are you thinking, that you speak no word?" anthologised in section "Death in Action"
  5. The Conquest of Granada (drama) • short section from Almanzor's line "'Tis war again, and I am glad 'tis so" excerpted in section "Gallantry and Heroism"
  6. Lysistrata (drama) • excerpted in section "The Women Left Behind", from Magistrate's line "You, I presume, could adroitly and gingerly settle this intricate, concern" with Lysistrata's reply starting "Just as a woman, with nimble dexterity, / thus with her hands disentangles a skein"; in a translation by B. B. Rogers
  7. Henry V (drama) • Henry's St Crispin's Day speech from IV,iii excerpted in section "The Patriotic Imperative" • Pistol and Fluellen discussion about Bardolph's punishment in III,vi excerpted in section "Military Justice and Punishment" • Act IV Prologue "Now entertain conjecture of a time" anthologised in "Leadership" section • 3 lines from IV,iii starting "We are but warriors for the working-day;" excerpted in section "Climate and Circumstances" • Henry's speech before the gates of Harfleur (III,iii) excerpted in section "Sieges" • Pistol's speech from V,i "Doth Fortune play the housewife with me now?" in "Returning Soldiers"
  8. Henry VI, Part 3 (drama) • Queen Margaret's speech from V,iv "Great lords, wise men ne'er sit and wail their loss" included in section entitled "Women Warriors" • Son, King, Father scene from III, v, from Son's line "Ill blows the wind that profits nobody" in section "Civil War"
  9. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (poem) • "He dwelt there all that day, and at dawn on the morrow / Asked for his armour", translated by Brian Stone, excerpted in section titled "Armour"
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