The Cambridge Companion to Verdi  33549

  1. Personal, cultural and political context
    1. Verdi’s life: a thematic biography   Mary Jane Phillips-Matz
    2. The Italian theatre of Verdi’s day   Alessandro Roccatagliati
    3. Verdi, Italian Romanticism, and the Risorgimento   Mary Ann Smart
  2. The style of Verdi’s operas and non-operatic works
    1. The forms of set pieces   Scott L. Balthazar
    2. New currents in the libretto   Fabrizio Della Seta
    3. Words and music   Emanuele Senici
    4. French influences   Andreas Giger
    5. Structural coherence   Steven Huebner
    6. Instrumental music in Verdi’s operas   David Kimbell
    7. Verdi’s non-operatic works   Roberta Montemorra Marvin
  3. Representative operas
    1. Ernani: The tenor in crisis   Rosa Solinas
    2. “Ch’hai di nuovo, buffon?” or What’s new with Rigoletto   Cormac Newark
    3. Verdi’s Don Carlos: an overview of the operas   Harold Powers
    4. Desdemona’s alienation and Otello’s fall   Scott L. Balthazar
  4. Creation and critical reception
    1. An introduction to Verdi’s working methods   Luke Jensen
    2. Verdi criticism   Gregory W. Harwood

Topics covered by this book

  1. Don Carlos (drama) • p208 • Chapter 13: Verdi's Don Carlos: an overview of the operas
  2. Otello (drama) • p237 • Chapter 14: Desdemona's alienation and Otello's fall
  3. Rigoletto (drama) • p197 • Chapter 12: "Ch'hai di nuovo, buffon?" or What's new with Rigoletto
  4. Ernani (drama) • p185 • Chapter 11: Ernani: the tenor in crisis
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