The Beethoven Companion  33548

  1. The Man and Artist
    1. Beethoven as Man and Artist   Philip Barford
  2. The Pianos and the Piano Music
    1. Beethoven’s Pianos   Derek Melville
    2. The Piano Music—I   Harold Truscott
    3. The Piano Music—II   Philip Barford
  3. The Chamber Music
    1. The Chamber Music with Piano   Nigel Fortune
    2. The Chamber Music for Strings   Robert Simpson
  4. The Orchestral Music
    1. The Symphonies and Overtures   Basil Deane
    2. The Concertos   Basil Deane
  5. The Operatic and Vocal Music
    1. Beethoven and Opera   Winton Dean
    2. The Choral Music   Denis McCaldin
    3. The Songs   Leslie Orrey
  6. Practical Matters
    1. Sketches and Autographs   Alan Tyson
    2. Steps to Publication—and Beyond   Alan Tyson
  7. The View of Posterity
    1. The View of Posterity: an Anthology   Elsie Arnold and Denis Arnold
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