The AB Guide to Music Theory, Part 2  33486

  1. Voices
    1. Singers and choirs
    2. Voices in score
  2. Non-harmony notes
    1. Passing notes
    2. Auxiliary notes
    3. Anticipations
    4. Changing notes
    5. Appoggiaturas
    6. Suspensions
    7. Pedal points
  3. More about tonal harmony
    1. Counterpoint
    2. Part-writing
    3. Harmonic rhythm
    4. Second-inversion chords
    5. Extensions of the triad (7ths, 9ths etc.)
    6. Modulation
  4. Chromatic chords
    1. Borrowed chords
    2. Altered chords
    3. The Neapolitan sixth
    4. The diminished seventh
    5. The augmented sixth
    6. Harmonic sequences
  5. Aspects of melody
    1. Some definitions
    2. Note relationships
    3. Melodic sequences
    4. Regular phrases
    5. Design in melodies
    6. Irregular phrases
    7. Motifs
    8. The bass line
    9. Outlined melody
  6. String instruments
    1. Orchestral strings
    2. Bowing
    3. Multiple stops
    4. Harmonics
    5. Vibrato
    6. The guitar
    7. The harp
  7. Woodwind and Brass instruments
    1. Woodwind: flue instruments
    2. Transposing instruments
    3. Woodwind: reeds
    4. Brass
    5. Mutes in wind instruments
    6. Tonguing
  8. Percussion and Keyboard instruments
    1. Pitched percussion
    2. Unpitched percussion
    3. Keyboard instruments
  9. Instruments in combination
    1. Chamber-music groups
    2. Orchestras
    3. Bands
  10. Before the tonal period: Traditional modes
  11. Some modern developments
    1. The undermining of tonal harmony
    2. Modern scales and modes
    3. The twelve-note method
    4. Rhythm
    5. Notation
  • Appendices
    1. Names of orchestral instruments in English, Italian, German, French
    2. Roman chord-indications
    3. Pitch specifications
    4. Clefs
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