Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell  33303

  1. Mr Norrell
    1. The library at Hurtfew
    2. The Old Starre Inn
    3. The stones of York
    4. The Friends of English Magic
    5. Drawlight
    6. “Magic is not respectable, sir.”
    7. An opportunity unlikely to occur again
    8. A gentleman with thistle-down hair
    9. Lady Pole
    10. The difficulty of finding employment for a magician
    11. Brest
    12. The Spirit of English Magic urges Mr Norrell to the Aid of Britannia
    13. The magician of Threadneedle-street
    14. Heart-break Farm
    15. “How is Lady Pole?”
    16. Lost-hope
    17. The unaccountable appearance of twenty-five guineas
    18. Sir Walter consults gentlemen in several professions
    19. The Peep-o’Day-Boys
    20. The unlikely milliner
    21. The cards of Marseilles
    22. The Knight of Wands
  2. Jonathan Strange
    1. The Shadow House
    2. Another magician
    3. The education of a magician
    4. Orb, crown and sceptre
    5. The magician’s wife
    6. The Duke of Roxburghe’s library
    7. At the house of José Estoril
    8. The book of Robert Findhelm
    9. Seventeen dead Neapolitans
    10. The King
    11. Place the moon at my eyes
    12. On the edge of the desert
    13. The Nottinghamshire gentleman
    14. All the mirrors of the world
    15. The Cinque Dragownes
    16. From The Edinburgh Review
    17. The two magicians
    18. “Depend upon it; there is no such place.”
    19. Starecross
    20. Strange decides to write a book
    21. The curious adventure of Mr Hyde
    22. Arabella
  3. John Uskglass
    1. Prologue to The History and Practice of English Magic
    2. “The sky spoke to me …”
    3. “A black lad and a blue fella – that ought to mean summat.”
    4. The Engravings
    5. Wildness and madness
    6. The History and Practice of English Magic
    7. A family by the name of Greysteel
    8. The old lady of Cannaregio
    9. A little dead grey mouse
    10. A little box, the colour of heartache
    11. The second shall see his dearest possession in his enemy’s hand
    12. The Black Tower
    13. The Black Letters
    14. Henry Woodhope pays a visit
    15. Leucrocuta, the Wolf of the Evening
    16. Tempest and lies
    17. Tree speaks to Stone: Stone speaks to Water
    18. I came to them in a cry that broke the silence of a winter wood
    19. The first shall bury his heart in a dark wood beneath the snow, yet still feel its ache
    20. Two versions of Lady Pole
    21. The ashes, the pearls, the counterpane and the kiss
    22. Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell
    23. The hawthorn tree
    24. “Yes.”
    25. Strangites and Norrellites
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